Texas Health Insurance  -  Chat online about Texas Obamacare


Chat with an Expert on Texas Obamacare

Quick note...Obamacare is every plan for individuals and families since 2014 whether on-exchange or off-exchange (direct to the carrier).

You can learn how those are different here but 99% of our enrollment these days is on-exchange due to the subsidy and just ease of enrollment.

It's terribly confusing and the difference can mean $1000's in subsidies towards your chosen health plan.

Plus...super rich versions of the silver plan depending on income.


Let's get this straight.

Chat with licensed agents that have 5 Star Google ratings and 10's of 1000's of Obamacare enrollments under their belt.

What's convenient for you:


In case you're wondering what to expect:




Let's break these down.

Online Chat tool for Texas Obamacare options

No phone calls. Just jump on a chat with an expert and let us know what's on your mind!

Access here:

online chat about texas obamacare questions


If we're busy on the line (things get crazy during open enrollment), we'll reach out to you as soon as the coast is clear.

Common questions include but are not limited to:

  • How to figure out the income and subsidy piece
  • How to compare and pick the best plan
  • When can you enroll
  • Problems with enrollment, membership, and more
  • Just generally confused about the whole thing and would love to save about an hour and get it done right!

Did that last one speak to you? It's what we do all day. Jump on a chat with you and let's start the dialog and get you to understanding.

You can also pick a time to chat by phone also!

Pick a time to speak by phone about Texas Obamacare

People's income and healthcare needs can be complicated. We're happy to jump on a call with you.


schedule call with obamcare agent in texas


You can also call 800-320-6269 or if it's super busy (think Open Enrollment), book a time to chat here.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Clear and unbiased answers to your questions
  • A wealth of knowledge from 10+ years with Obamacare questions
  • Friendly and patient assistance
  • Time-saving tools and advice

Here's what you won't get:

  • Pushy and salesly person on the other side
  • Steering you towards specific carriers or plans

Here's our theory.

We don't sell! We answer questions and if the person wants to work with us (at zero cost), Great! If not, we'll help the next person.

It all works out in the end. Seriously...that's how we look at it and it shows in our reviews.

Email us your questions and requests about Texas Obamacare

Email us at help@texasplans.com  with any questions.

We can easily send you back a full quote with the following info:

  • Dates of birth
  • Zip code
  • Best estimate for this year's income

The income is really important these days since the subsidy is based on our income.

Here's the general rule:

  • Estimate for the AGI on the 1040 tax form for this year; next April's filing
  • Household is everyone that files together on that 1040 even if not enrolling

This is where most people get it wrong when self-enrolling so we can help you dial this in.

It's probably 50% of what we do these days.

We have a simplified enrollment form here once we have the income and plan selected:

online application for texas obamacare


We have people who fully interact all via email these days and we get it. Who wants to get on a phone!

If you do need that extra touch, we're here to help.


  • Online Chat
  • Call 800-320-6269
  • Pick a time to chat by phone
  • Email us at help@texasplans.com

Pick what works for you! We're here to help.