Texas Health Insurance  -  How to apply for Texas exchange - obamacare plans online

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How to Apply for Texas Exchange - Obamacare Plans


Once you've figured out the income piece more here and selected a plan more here, there's the joy of enrollment.

This is almost like filling out a tax form now!

Roughly 50% of people we help who have self-enrolled have errors on their application which can cost them dearly in subsidy.

Or worse yet, cause them to pay back large amounts next April at tax time.


To avoid this, we go through each application, scrub it, and process it correctly on our site.

There's zero cost for this feature with Texas exchange plans.

Maybe more importantly, our simplified online app can take 5-10 minutes instead of the 45 minutes average for the Exchange app.

Let's look at what to have ready and other basics around enrolling in coverage with the following:

  • What info do I need to apply for Texas obamacare
  • What effective date will I get
  • When can I enroll in Texas exchange plans
  • What happens after I apply
  • Is payment required with the application
  • How is the subsidy handled during enrollment
  • Mobile app for Texas obamacare application


Let's get started!

What info do I need to apply for Texas obamacare

Here are the basics that usually trip people up:

  • A residence address in Texas
  • Qualifying event that allows you to enroll now (more on this below)
  • Best estimate for this year's income (AGI on the 1040 tax form; next April's filing)
  • Key information for everyone that files together on a 1040 tax form (household)
  • Legal status info - if not US citizen, then basis for being in the US with document info
  • Exact plan choice - There are different plans at each level within a carrier


Of course, it's a government document so there are all kinds of weird one-offs but those are the pieces.

Really, the income and household size is what messes people up.

Reach out to us at help@texasplans.com or pick a time to chat here.


We really need to get a lock on the income piece since that drives not only the subsidy but also the availability of the enhanced silver plans!

What effective date will you get?

What effective date will I get

There are different outcomes here depending on our trigger:

  • Enroll during open enrollment Nov 1st - Dec 15th: Jan 1st effect date
  • Enroll during open enrollment Dec 16th - Jan 15th: Feb 1st eff date
  • Enroll due to loss of coverage in past 60 days; next 1st of the month
  • Enroll due to most other triggers (move, etc) from 1st to 15th; 1st of the next month
  • Enroll due to most other triggers from 16th - end of month; 1st of the following month



Loss of coverage is usually the trigger we see outside of open enrollment. This is pretty easy...1st of the next month after enrollment.

The other triggers depend on when the enrollment is submitted so don't wait!

For example, if you moved between counties or farther and applied on 20th of May, you'll get July 1st as an effective date.

Unless of course, you lost prior coverage due to the move. That supersedes everything.

See how much fun this can be! Reach out to us with any question you have at help@texasplans.com or 800-320-6269.

We can quickly size this up.

Let's talk a bit about those triggers.

When can I enroll in Texas exchange plans

These are the big triggers (but not a complete list so check with us):

  • Open Enrollment: Nov 1st - Jan 15th; must enroll by Dec 15th to get Jan 1st eff date
  • Loss of coverage in last 60 days: employer, due to a move, etc; this is the most flexible trigger
  • Change in household: marriage, birth, death, divorce, etc. The 1st-15th rule applies
  • Change in legal status: become a citizen; get new status, etc
  • Moving out of the county resulting in change in coverage options
  • Turning 26 and aging off your parent's plan (essentially a loss of coverage)



Finally, the big one no one really talks about (because they don't want it out there):

Having an annual individual or household income at or below 150% of the federal poverty level

So...if our income estimate for this year is at or below the 150% level, we can enroll anytime during the year!

Here's the Texas Obamacare income chart:



You'll get a big subsidy as well as the silver 94 plan (see Texas enhanced silver plans).

Reach out to us in this situation. It's a huge deal and we'll make sure you get all set up. Zero cost for our assistance.

If you have a weird situation, email us at help@texasplans.com or call 800-320-6269.

Okay...you apply. Then what?

What happens after I apply

We usually process your app in 24 hours unless we see something that will mess up your subsidy (happens all the time).

You'll get an email confirmation from us first with confirmation of enrollment, effective date, and what to expect.

About 5-7 days after, you'll get confirmation from the Federal Exchange basically letting you know your status but lots of legal stuff and fun.

Finally, you'll get an invoice from the carrier of choice for the net premium amount (after the subsidy has been removed if eligible).

Make sure to pay the first premium right away as there's a time limit and it will cancel out if not paid by then. The first payment activates the policy so don't sleep on this!

We see people lose their coverage all the time due to this.


During the year, you may receive requests for info with the Proof of Income being the big one. If you have questions on this, we can help you throughout the year.

We covered this but a quick reminder.

Is payment required with the application

We don't need it for the application but the policy will not be effective till payment is received after you get the first invoice.

There's a period of time to make this payment so we advise you to send it right away when you get the invoice and you can call the carrier to pay directly over the phone in order to speed things up.

As for the application, payment is not required right away.

What about the subsidy.  Do I get this back at tax time?

How is the Texas obamacare subsidy handled during enrollment

The subsidy is actually reduced from your monthly premium right away!

Let's take an example.

  • You have a $500/month insurance plan.
  • The subsidy $350/month
  • You'll get an invoice of $150 from the carrier.


Payment is always made directly to the carrier, not the Exchange.

The Exchange just handles the subsidy part, essentially making their payment towards your premium to reduce the cost.

We occasionally see zero premium plans where the subsidy is paying the entire premium!

Reach out to us on the income piece so we can make sure you're getting the most subsidy available to you.

What if you're applying for Texas obamacare on a cell phone?

Mobile app for Texas obamacare application

Access the mobile version of the Texas exchange application right here:

online application for texas obamacare


This will make it much easier. Our simplified app generally takes 5-10 minutes versus the standard app which can take 45 minutes to an hour!

Plus, we'll go through it scrub for anything that might cause issues with enrollment OR your subsidy.


There's zero cost for our assistance at help@texasplans.com or at 800-320-6269. Pick a time to chat here.