Health insurance enrollment was never fun but it's only become complicated with the ACA law passage.
It now combines taxes with health plan selection for the ultimate torture test!
No worries, we've processed 10's of 1000's of exchange applications and we can guide you through the process with this level of support:
If you want to access the Texas health exchange app directly with no delay:
Otherwise, here are common questions on Texas exchange enrollment:
Let's get started knowing you can reach out with specifics here...
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Let's step back a bit.
Most enrollment (probably 95%+) in the Texas individual market is on-exchange now. Learn how on and off-exchange plans are different but two key points:
That doesn't mean it's easy!
For the first few years, we let people enroll directly through our exchange-links but so many people had errors.
So, we created a simplified Texas exchange app that we process on this side:
This way, we can reach out if we see something that will cause issues before it's submitted.
It's much easier this way than to try to correct on the back-end with the exchange.
Many people reach out to us for help with existing Exchange accounts for this very reason and we've seen it all over the year now. 10's of 1000's of enrollments and situations.
We can go through any questions on:
Reach out with any questions.
Then there's the joy of when we can apply in Texas?
Yes! That's the trade-off to guaranteed issue (can't be declined based on health).
We go through it in our When can I enroll in Texas health plans or What if I missed Texas open enrollment.
The big ones are:
Those are the most common but there are all sorts of smaller ones we can investigate for you.
Worst case, we can look at short term health plans till another window comes around.
This also figures into effective dates. Let's go there!
There are different situations:
This is all confusing but we can help.
Reach out to us with your situation here...
Zero cost for our assistance:
Call 800-320-6269
Chat online here
Pick a time to talk here
Some health plans will end mid-month (very frustrating) and we may not be able to get an eff date till the following 1st.
We can use 1 month of short term health insurance (quote here) for the partial month till the permanent plan starts.
No. For exchange plans, payment is not required up front.
You'll get an invoice from the carrier directly with the subsidized amount (subsidy already reduced from total).
The coverage will go back to the 1st of the month it was expected to be effective but we're not in membership till the first payment is made.
This is usually an issue when we enroll at the end of the month for the following first and need health care right away.
We can help process payment to expedite things so let us know.
There is no fee to apply for Texas on or off-exchange plans. Not from us or the exchange itself!
Be leery of anyone who tries to charge you.
The rates are identical through us, the exchange directly, or the carrier directly. No fee for standard plans.
Texas short term health plans do have an application fee.
Here's what to expect after you submit your Texas individual and family application:
We recommend that you set up your online account with the carrier to view billing, claims, doctors, etc.
Don't worry, we can help with this process!
Occasionally, the Exchange requests additional information, usually around eligibility with income being a big topic.
We can guide you through that process as well!
Make a mistake on the application?
No worries. First, we catch a lot when we scrub the initial app.
Whether it's a change of information (address, income, etc) or just incorrect information, we can update your existing application or account on this side.
More importantly, we're aware of how simple changes, if not done correctly, can mess up our subsidy.
This is especially true around changes in income. We see it every day where someone updates their income estimate and it blows apart the subsidy.
Learn more about what income the Texas exchange subsidy is based on.
Zero fee for our assistance. The rate is identical through us, direct with the Exchange, or with the carrier (but they can't handle the subsidy piece).
We are paid commissions from the carriers but the rate to you is identical. Zero cost for us.
Most importantly, we can make sure you're getting the most subsidy that's available to you and that can mean 1000's per year!
You can access our simplified Texas exchange online application here:
Reach out with any questions!
More on how to Apply for Texas Obamacare plans.