Home > Contact Us - Texas Health Insurance Agents

Contact Texas Health Insurance Agents for Obamacare, Medicare, and Small Business Plans

Contact Us - Licensed Texas Health Agents

Goodacre Insurance Services

3112 Windsor Road #310
Austin, Texas  78703

License - TX#1367646

Zero cost for our assistance:


Principle grew up in Ft Worth with family from Austin to Grand Saline for what it's worth! Always Texan at heart.

We take our work of helping people very seriously...

Goodacre Insurance Services and/or principles are authorized agents for the following companies:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
  • Oscar
  • United Health
  • Cigna
  • Molina
  • Aetna
  • Centene
  • Wellcare
  • Humana
  • and more!

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There is absolutely no cost for our service as licensed Texas health agents including Texas Exchange subsidy options.

You can always run your quote here:

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quote texas small business health plan options

quote texas medicare options

Why Contact Us regarding Texas health insurance

We have 25+ years experience (not including founder who clocks in at 50+!!).

Texas health insurance has only become more complicated with the subsidy and Exchange additions.



how much health insurance subsidy can i get in texas


Or Advantage plans and Part D for Medicare!

Roughly 50% of people who self-enroll in the exchange make mistakes that can cost them subsidy or worse yet...give them too much for a nasty tax surprise the following year.

There's zero cost for our assistance and we've seen it ALL!


Reach out to us in whatever way suits YOU.


How can we help you?


Here are common reasons to reach out and get expert help:


That's just the start! We get all sorts of questions all day long and we've always believed...


We don't sell anything. We answer questions. Help people understand their options.


If they want to work with us, Great. If not, that's okay as we'll help the next person and enough Texans will appreciate this approach.

It's worked for 25 years as you can tell from the reviews above.

Give us a ring or shoot us an email. You'll see the difference.

If we don't know something, we'll go research it and get back to you.

Let's touch base on the main reasons people contact us by category.

Individual and Family Health Plans Including On-Exchange

This has become a tax form of sorts.

The subsidy (or subsidy) is the biggest deal since 2014 and it means $1000's of dollars each year.

We want to get this right but...it's complicated!



That's the 50% of people who self-enroll only to find out they missed out on subsidy.

In 5-10 minutes, we can size up your situation and come out with the best estimate possible.


The list goes on and on and that's only the subsidy piece!

Then there's the lovely plan selection process.

We've touched on both here:

 Those cover 80% of the questions out there and we're here for the other 20%!


We offer online applications for enrollment and we actually go through it first to make sure nothing will come back to bite us.

Then there's the constant changes during the year!

  • Income changes
  • Family make-up changes
  • Income verification and more with the Exchange
  • Additions and cancellations

That list goes on and on. We're here if you've grown tired of dealing with customer service agents (have you noticed how bad it is since Covid???).

Just email us what you need and we'll get to work! Now, can I get that for dealing with AT&T please!

Then, there's Medicare. Goodness.


Talk to a Texas Medicare Agent

Everything changes! New letters everywhere (Part A, G plans, Part D, etc).

Let us guide you right through the whole process from making sure your core Medicare is set up in time to guiding you on how to fill in the major holes (that 20% you pay is uncapped!!).

  • Medicare versus Advantage plans
  • Comparing the plans within the two
  • Part D for medication
  • Making sure your doctors and medications are in-network and covered
  • The whole enrollment process


More importantly, we don't push. We don't sell. You'll see the difference from many others in the market.

That's how we would want it!


Check out how to pick the best Medicare plan in Texas as an example.


Reach out to us at help@texasplans.com or let's pick a time to call here.


We'll finish with this.

One of our clients is moving to Nevada to help their brother who's dealing with health issues.

They asked me for some guidance and mentioned how the Nevada agent there was pushing them on to Short term health plans.

This made zero sense since they're eligible for the Silver 87 and a massive subsidy. The move and loss of coverage allows them to enroll mid-year.

I was angry. That's terrible advice and the agent is only doing it to get more commission. We don't operate that way. If we can't find a better option for you, we'll let you know!

We've all been on the other side of the Nevada agent's way and it's a terrible place to be. It's that simple.