Texas Health Insurance  -  Health Insurance for Single Person in Texas

best obamacare plan for single people in texas


Best Health Insurance for Single Person in Texas


So, what are the best options for coverage if you're just looking for yourself?

We have some good news on that front depending on your income estimate which we'll get into below.

The individual market changed significantly since 2014 with the advent of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) law also known as Obamacare.

Don't get caught up in politics here as it can mean big subsidies to bring down your cost of premium and we're all about helping single individuals the best cost.


First, here's our credentials:

This is what we'll cover:

  • Understanding the Texas health market for a single person
  • How the Obamacare subsidy works for single people
  • Comparing the plans for single people in Texas
  • Quote and enroll in coverage as a single person


Let's get started!

Understanding the Texas health market for a single person

There are three real options to apply for coverage as a single person:

  • Exchange plans - Subsidies are available based on income
  • Off-exchange or direct with the carrier - same as exchange but no subsidy
  • Short term plans - usually used when we can't enroll in the other two


First, it's important to understand that there's no difference between in on and off-exchange for:

  • Plan benefits
  • Networks
  • Rates
  • No waiting period for pre-existing conditions
  • Can't declined based on health
  • Special rules around when you can enroll ( see details here)


Almost all our current enrollment is on-exchange now for this reason and the fact that the cost may come down significantly based on income!

Learn more about Texas on or off-exchange for single people.

That's really the key driver these days when picking health insurance since we see premiums come down to zero in some cases!

Let's get into that because so many people are missing out on found money.

How the Obamacare subsidy works for single people

Here's the main consideration now:


how much health insurance subsidy can i get in texas

This is all based on income and here's what we need to size up:

  • Best estimate for this year's income; AGI on the 1040 tax form next April's filing
  • Household is defined as everyone that files together on a 1040 tax form


For most single people, this is a household of one which is fine.

The subsidy comes right off the monthly premium and everything settles out when you file taxes the following year.

The income piece is where we see most people make mistakes that can be really costly.

Roughly 50% of people who self-enroll enter incorrect info in the application that causes them to miss out.

Reach out to us for free assistance at help@texasplans.com or 800-320-6269.


There's zero cost for our assistance and we spend most of our days helping people lock down the income estimate.

More on how to get the most out of the Texas health subsidy or the income chart guide.

Once we know how much the Exchange is going to pay towards our plan of choice... it's then about choosing a plan!

Goodness, there's so many.

Comparing the plans for single people in Texas

We have big guides on how to pick the best Obamacare plan or how to compare the metallic plans but just a quick teaser.


If you're offered the silver 87 or 94 based on income, they're hard to beat.

Almost platinum level plans for the same cost of the silver. Our quote tool below will automatically show you but check in with us and we can see if you're close to the cut-off for a much richer plan.

This can save you quite a bit if something happens healthwise and the income calculation drives it.

If not eligible, it's then a question comparing these two aspects of the plans:

  • Copays for RX and office visits; how important are they to you?
  • Annual deductible versus annual premium difference


Really, that's it for about 80% of the calculation.

There are 4 levels:

  • Bronze - high deductible; limited or no copays
  • Silver (standard) - mid deductible; copays for RX and office
  • Gold - no deductible; richer copays
  • Platinum - no deductible; richest copays; lower out of pocket max (in case of big bills)

The silver is by far the most popular plan on the market and we agree!

There are also HSA versions of the bronze if you have a much higher income and just want major medical insurance with tax benefits.

Then, it's a question of carrier and network!

BCBS of Texas, Oscar, and United tend to dominate and they have impressive networks.

It then becomes a question of HMO or EPO.

compare texas health insurance obamacare networks


More on how to compare the Texas Obamacare networks but the carrier is probably the bigger driver of which way to go since most conversations start with...

What plan takes my doctor?

Speaking of which, you can quickly see which plans work with your doctor in our quoting tool.

Let's go there now.

Quote and enroll in coverage as a single person

We make this fast, free, and easy for single people in Texas:

compare texas exchange plans with full tax credit

Just a reminder:

  • Income estimate is your AGI on the 1040 tax form for this year; next April's filing
  • Household will be 1 unless you file taxes with other people (dependents, etc)


We have a whole breakout on Texas health insurance for self-employed since many people are paid 1099 or self-employed.

Of course, there's zero cost for our assistance and we're happy to help!

help@texasplans.com or 800-320-6269